Francis M & Linelle R Lynch Bio Page
Linelle has had a love and fascination for art and design since she was a child. She, was chosen to design and install an 11 foot long mural on glass of undersea creatures at the entrance to her school at age 12. Linelle attended the California College of Arts & Crafts and Pace University in NYC. She began her own Private Label cosmetics business and went on to design the Seasonal Color Palettes at Helena Rubenstein Cosmetics. Before meeting Francis, Linelle designed one of a kind furniture and libraries in many exotic woods for the NYC metropolitan area. She selects gemstones, and designs many of the beautiful pieces Francis brings to life.
Francis has always loved gemstones and jewelry. He became friendly with a gentleman named Paul Desautels, who was the curator of the Smithsonian Institute Gem & Mineral Collection. With Mr. Desautels as his guide, he was privileged to see many of the collection's specimens first hand, including the Hope Diamond which gave him a life long fascination and appreciation of gemstones. He was a self taught jeweler in the early 1970's who studied antique pieces to reverse engineer them in order to see how they had been made. Starting in the 1976, Francis studied Gemology and Jewelry Arts at GIA in Santa Monica, California. He believes that gemology is an ongoing study and is a subscriber and contributor to many prestigious Gemology and Jewelry related publications.
Linelle and Francis won the Orlando Weekly's Best Custom Jeweler and have been featured in several articles about them in the Orlando Sentinel and the Daily Commercial newspapers.
I am devastated to say my Linelle, my love and muse, passed from this plane of existence on February 11th, 2022. She passed in her sleep with Love Bucket at her feet and he followed her on May 13th. Without her, making jewelry means nothing. It was always about bringing her dreams to life.
Members of the American Craft Council
Members of the Society of North American Goldsmiths-
Featured in 2009 Juried Publication of American Art Collector.
Featured in 2010 Juried Publication of American Art Collector.
Marble on his first day at work.
Marble hard at work answering emails, shopping at his favorite store, and checking out his friend, Martin, newest pottery creations